Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"Pet" Materials

The two materials that I want to research farther are high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and cement.  I'm using HDPE in my senior design project and it seems to be a very stout and definitely lightweight material, so I thought it would be interesting to look farther into that one.  Cement pretty much revolutionized architecture, and was widely used by the Romans, so I thought it would also be interesting to research that material.

When it comes to sustainability, both of these materials employ the use of nonrenewable resources.  HDPE, like all plastics, is derived from petroleum, which we all know is depleting.  Also like most plastics, HDPE is not biodegradable.  Cement requires the mining of several minerals such as limestone, or some other source of calcium, therefore imposing the depletion of these natural resources.  

Monday, January 17, 2011

Government Programs

One government program that I believe can see some reduction is Welfare.  I know the program was started with good intentions, but I believe the system is now being abused big time.  The original intention of the program was to help people get back on their feet, but many people today have made using that system a way of life, completely relying on the benefits without even trying to become independent.  I know from personal experience of being on food stamps in the past that there is a checkup every six months in order to determine whether or not a person should receive aid, but many people have found loopholes and are completed misusing the system.  I think there should be a little more in-depth check to see if people should have their benefits renewed, because now there is only one or two forms that a person must fill out.  I hope this doesn't sound cold, because people do need help from time to time, but this system is being taken advantage of.

On the other hand, a program that I believe is worth keeping, even though it is danger of going dry, is Social Security.  This program ensures that hard-working people who have paid taxes their whole lives will have some way of supporting themselves after they retire, even if they didn't have a set retirement plan.  This system is, in my opinion, just a way of rewarding people for their hard work and should definitely be kept.